7 Habits of Godly Christians

(1 customer review)


The 7 Habits of Godly Christians
Last Edited: 2-28-23

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Audiobook Edition Available Here (Amazon)

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7 Habits of Godly...


The 7 Habits of Godly Christians is a a compilation of the top and most important 7 Habits of Godly christians. These 7 habits will change your life in ways you cannot even imagine right now if you haven’t been practicing them! The challenge for genuine Christians is to actually live these habits. There are many other beliefs and behaviors we must learn in this life that are not directly addressed in these habits, but the diligent practice of these habits for the one who perseveres over time will produce a thousand incredibly powerful and positive affects in a person’s life.

7 Habits of Godly Christians in This Life

Here is a short bullet list of implications or natural outcomes from practicing these the 7 Habits of Godly Christians:

  • 7 Habits of Godly ChristiansLiving the truth faithfully will revolutionize your heart and mind and give you a deep sense of freedom you’ve never experienced,
  • Seeking to ask God the right questions in your journey can set off an avalanche of blessings,
  • Asking the right questions can be the reason you avoid taking a long dark path for years or decades,
  • Living out of humility rather than pride will change so many things for you, including how people respond to you and what kinds of relationships you have in this life,
  • Living a sexually pure life may have the largest impact of all the habits, not only pleasing and honoring God, but honoring your spouse and your own body, and allowing you to be free of a heavy ball and chain that will drag you down for as long as it holds you in bondage,
  • When you stop pursuing worldly fame and fortune as your god, you experience an incredible freedom because you’re no longer ruled by subconscious demands that interfere with your life,
  • Living and practicing your gifts and passions in light of these 7 habits is like waking up from a long slumber and suddenly feeling the fresh breeze of freedom on your face,
  • Standing with courage to be salt and light in the world will turn you into a courageous person in the coming months and years, and you will become so much more powerful and more confident than you are now,
  • The self-discipline you practice with the 7 habits will redound throughout the rest of your life, and the benefits will go way beyond what you can imagine now, bringing more success and more joy into your life than you’ve ever experienced before, and
  • Lastly, when you practice these 7 habits and experience all the natural consequences that reverberate in your life, God will bless you richly. You will experience a peace that surpasses understanding, and you will know that all your needs are met.

7 Habits of Godly Christians Keeps You On Track

7 Habits to VictoryWhen we reflect on our lives and look back in time, we often have regrets and wish we had done things differently, or gone down another path. Life can throw us curve balls, and without a compass that points true north, we can lose our focus or purpose in life, and if we never knew our purpose in life, it’s almost guaranteed we will go down the wrong path for years before we realize our loss.

The 7 Habits of Godly Christians is a master guide to keep us on that path, a good path that is consistent with God’s calling and our purpose in life, and this same path will also redound to our benefit as well as the benefit of our spouses and our children. But what are the rules? What are the principles that would guide us on the straight path that leads to success and happiness?

The 7 Habits of Godly Christians is your guide to the key proven and biblical habits that will lead you in the way you should go, and on a path that honors God.

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