Affiliate Marketing Instructions Step 1: The Big Picture
Affiliate marketing is a great way for anyone (over the age of 18) to share an affiliate link to a product, which is a digital book or an audio book if your an Affiliate with BooksOnline.Club. Why would someone help to promote a good book? One of the best reasons is to share the knowledge and wisdom found in a book. Throughout the centuries one of the most effective ways to pass on knowledge to later generations and retain the purity of the original thoughts was through books that could last for many generations and be reprinted.
Another great reason is to earn a commission or a fee for every sale that is made through the link you have shared with others. Affiliate marketing accomplishes both of these great motivations. If you would like to become an Affiliate, you should, if you haven’t already, read our first marketing article titled “Affiliate Marketing: How to Become an Affiliate and Earn Commissions.”
How Much Can I Earn in Affiliate Marketing on BooksOnline.Club?
BooksOnline.Club pays out a generous 30% affiliate fee to you for every sale of an eBook or audiobook that is made through your affiliate link. For example, on a $20.00 book, you will earn $6.00. Let’s take a quick look at what you did to earn $6.00 for a single sale. First, you became an Affiliate here. Second, you are assigned an affiliate link, which you promote on your Youtube channel, or your podcast, or your blog, or on various social media. Third, you post that link with a simple sentence, like this: “I want to recommend a fantastic book titled ‘Master Guide to Optimal Health The Natural Way.’ I’m practicing what it teaches, and I’ve already experienced incredible results. Just use this link to go directly to the book: https://booksonline.club/booksonlineclubref1/1/.” Of course, you’ll insert your own affiliate link, and you can promote it anyway you want, subject to the conditions in Affiliate Marketing Instructions Step 2, like you can’t misrepresent the product or use unfair or dishonest practices to promote it.
Fourth, you sit back and once in a while log into your affiliate account so you can see how much has been automatically deposited into your bank account. Now are you ready for the bonus? This gets better than you might guess, because if they use your affiliate link, even if they don’t buy the book you promoted, if they buy any book in our digital inventory, you still earn 30% for every sale. You see, your affiliate link is good for all our eBooks and audiobooks.
As you’ll see for any book detail page, most of our books have an option to purchase a paperback edition with a link to Amazon. BooksOnline does not pay affiliate fees for any books purchased on Amazon. Since we do not print paperbacks or hardcovers, those purchases must be made at Amazon.
What are the steps to becoming an Affiliate?
Complete the Affiliate application in the Affiliate Area.
- You’ll receive an email acknowledging your application.
- If you are approved (see our ideal Affiliate Profile), you’ll receive an email with your login link and you’ll be looking at your Affiliate page with your affiliate link.
- You can immediately promote a book or books with your affiliate link.
- There are many effective ways to use your Affiliate link to make money, which we share in How to Market My Affiliate Link?
- You will have the option to create a custom link, and you’ll learn how to do that in Creating Custom Links.
- By becoming an Affiliate with BooksOnline.Club, you agree to our Affiliate Conditions.
- You should become familiar with how money changes hands and how you get paid, and you’ll learn that in How Do Affiliates Get Paid?
We recommend you spend time to read all of these instructions in the links above, but you might want to spread that over a week or two, rather than try to do it all in one sitting. Once you get beyond tipping your big toe into the water and learn to swim, in other words, once you get familiar with how affiliate marketing works and you’re effectively promoting your link and making good money, you’ll wish we had met sooner.