Author: Casper Sarginson

Spiritual War Trumps Everything

Spiritual War Trumps Everything Audiobook

Did you know that the Bible says the Earth hangs in space exactly where God placed it, that the Earth has a foundation, that the Earth never ever moves, that it sits on pillars, has four corners, has a cornerstone, has ends, that the firmament is a hardened substance, is […]

Flat Earth Book

Our Best Selling Flat Earth Book

“Flat Earth: What The Bible Actually Says, Every Verse In The Bible On Creation” is our best selling book, especially the audio version. The book is available in ebook versions for Apple, Kindle, and in paperback and hardcover, as well as in audio through which also shows up on […]

The Mark of The Beast and The 7 Year Tribulation

The Mark of The Beast and The 7 Year Tribulation Audiobook

The popular declaration in Christendom today is, “Do not take the mark of the beast, because if you do, you will go to hell.” A related question is, “Can you lose your salvation by taking the mark of the beast during the tribulation?” There is a great deal of confusion […]

The End of All Things is At Hand

The End of All Things is At Hand Audiobook

This book is about the end. The end of the world. The end of all things. The rapture is very soon, and beyond the rapture will be the worst time the world has ever seen known as the seven year tribulation. This audiobook is available on Amazon, but I’m excited […]

America The Last Days Audiobook

America is in its last days. While it has become great again on a short-term basis, in the long term, America falls, and this author proves this authoritatively and persuasively in a very interesting and articulate manner. This audiobook is available on Amazon, but I’m excited to announce that you […]

Living Off The Grid in Alaska Audiobook

This is a true story–my story growing up in remote Alaska without electricity, no running water, no plumbing, and only a homemade barrel wood stove for heat during the long cold Alaskan winters. This audiobook is available on Amazon, but I’m excited to announce that you can purchase this audiobook […]

Install Digital Book on iPad

How to Install Our Digital Books on Your Device

Downloading and installing our digital books on your computer or mobile device is easy, and I’ll share the easiest method with you here. After you purchase your book from our Digital Library, you’ll go through the standard shopping cart and you’ll have a download button. Once you’re book is downloaded, […]


Why Knowing How To Study The Bible Is So Important

One cannot possibly overstate the case for knowing how to study and interpret the Bible today. It’s always been important certainly, but today we are so deeply entrenched in deception all around us in every country that we cannot hope to survive without first discerning the lies, and second knowing […]

Flat Earth: What The Bible Actually Says

Flat Earth: What The Bible Actually Says

Here’s is an excerpt from the book Flat Earth: What The Bible Actually Says, and this is Chapter 1. How does God describe the creation of the earth? When you read all the verses and put the whole story together, it is nothing less than astonishing! This book will affirm […]

Books Online Club

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Here it is . . .

What's it like growing up off the grid in remote Alaska? I did, so I wrote a book about it. I grew up in a 900 sq.ft. cabin with no electricity, only a homemade barrel stove for heat, no running water, and an outhouse. There were 2 tiny bedrooms, one for mom and dad, and the other for me and my 2 sisters and brother. We had to hunt and fish to feed the family, and cut 10 cords of wood to get through the long winters. There were tragedies and miracles, and some hilarious true stories. Buy the eBook or the Audiobook.

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