Master Guide of Optimal Health and Longevity
Book Review
Casper Sarginson  

The Master Guide to Optimal Health The Natural Way

The Master Guide to Optimal Health The Natural Way: The 6 Dimensions of Health and Longevity is an incredible compilation of the most recent discoveries and how they change everything about our health, including the prevention of diseases, the resolution of GI (gastrointestinal) issues, insulin resistance, fatty liver, high blood pressure, depression, immune system support, and much more.

The author, Chuck Marunde, spent decades researching in preparation for this book. He sought out the world’s most brilliant doctors, nutritionists, epidemiologists, virologists, cardiologists, neurologists, naturopaths, holistic practitioners, botanists, and athletic trainers (over 100), and documented their research and clinical experience.

If you spent the next 10 years of your life researching the topics of disease prevention, mitochondrial health, cardiovascular health, and the deep subjects of the gut microbiome, insulin resistance, obesity, diabetes, toxins, autoimmune diseases, cancer, the efficacy of prescription drugs, the dangers of the SAD (standard American diet), the risk of oxalates in plants and vegetables, common vitamin and mineral deficiencies, the autonomic nervous system, anxiety and stress, after 10 years of due diligence, you would ultimately learn what you can learn in one reading of this book in a fraction of the time and for a fraction of the price.

The paperback edition is over 500 pages, so this is truly a Master Guide that you can refer to when you need to review key topics for your own health needs. But it is much more than just a compilation of the expertise of the most brilliant health professionals in the world–it is a carefully articulated, well organized, and easy to read book that pulls all this knowledge together in a practical and useable way.

Key chapters also include the author’s amazing sources with peer-reviewed journal articles and videos by credible professionals. You’ll find links to the videos should you want to delve deeper into source material. This means that readers on mobile devices can simply click on the links as long as you have Internet access. From the paperback version, you can type the link in your computer browser. This book has been carefully designed and organized to make it easy for you to read and use for the sake of getting real answers and remedies to your personal health issues.

Check out our Kindle version of The Master Guide to Optimal Health The Natural Way: The 6 Dimensions of Health and Longevity.

Now you can understand why I call this book comprehensive. There’s so much more to share with you. If you want the paperback version, here’s the direct Amazon link to The Master Guide to Optimal Health The Natural Way.

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