Flat Earth: What the Bible Actually Says

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Flat Earth What the Bible Actually Says
Last Edited: 5-2-2024.

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Flat Earth: What ...


Flat Earth: What The Bible Actually Says tells the greatest story ever told. This is the story God told Moses to write in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. God created the Heavens and the Earth, and he was there, so this is a personal testimony! Isn’t that amazing to ponder?

Flat EarthThe creation story is a comprehensive Bible study on the creation of the Heavens and the Earth. God describes the creation of the Heavens and the Earth, and he knows because he was there. This is the Christian’s best extra-biblical resource if learning precisely what the Bible says about how the Earth was created is important to you.

One significant reason this book is an important read for the Christian is because this is a topic that is full of all kinds of hidden agendas, selfish motivations, massive government funded programs, and American pastors who refuse to address and teach directly from the Bible on the true story of creation. Why isn’t God’s extraordinary, marvelous, and awesome creation of the Earth one of the all time top subjects of study and of teaching at churches? We do answer that important question in this book, too.

Flat Earth What The Bible SaysDid you know that the Bible says the earth:

  • hangs in space exactly where God placed it,
  • that the earth has a foundation,
  • that the earth never ever moves,
  • that it sits on pillars,
  • has four corners,
  • has a cornerstone,
  • has ends,
  • that the firmament is a hardened substance above the earth,
  • God’s throne sits on the firmament
  • All the Bible verses reject a spherical Earth

These statements are from the Bible, but few people know about them. They are at the heart of the flat Earth arguments for any serious student of the Bible. These are amazing statements, but it is even more amazing that somehow the theology of these statements has not been the substance of messages at churches across America.

Would you like to know exactly how the Bible describes creation and the earth and why a flat Earth is a very real possiblity? Are we living on a globe or a flat Earth?

If you want to know exactly what the Bible says, then this book is definitely for you. Fasten your seat belt dear Christian. God’s Word is about to take you for the ride of your life. You’ll learn:

  • 68 Bible verses that clearly describe creation without ambiguities,
  • Fundamental traditional hermeneutics and exegesis that walk you through the meaning of all the verses,
  • The real creation story as told by God himself,
  • The false science, aka pseudoscience, that has been foisted upon us as though it were real science,
  • Dramatic scientific proofs that the earth has no curve, does not rotate, does not revolve around the sun, and

Learn how “they” got away with a counterfeit creation story that could only have come from Satan himself. Imagine believing your whole life that the Earth is a sphere in a heliocentric system only to find out late in life that maybe we do live on a flat Earth.

The true creation story vs heliocentrism may be the hottest debate today. People are on one side or the other, and for those who have been brainwashed their entire lives (like all of us were), it is extremely hard to see through the deception. This book explains how the deception happened, and how we could possibly be so convinced.

This flat earth book exposes the lie and reveals the truth to the Glory of God The Creator!