
The End of All Things is At Hand Audiobook

Original price was: $14.97.Current price is: $9.97.

This book was born out of my personal pursuit of God. As I’ve watched world events unfold and many Bible prophesies get fulfilled, my pursuit has grown more intense. I sense an urgency of late, and all signs point to the imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Deeply committed and mature believers around the world are sharing that they have never felt this way before, and they are all like-minded in their strong conviction that the rapture is very near.

Yet the vast majority of Americans and so-called “Christians” in churches in America seem totally oblivious to the fulfillment of prophesy pointing to the rapture and the end of the world.

I can’t sit by and do nothing. Many need Christ, need salvation, and need to know the truth about these last days. That’s why I felt called to write this book. I hope and pray this book blesses you.

Because this is a eBook version, you’ll be glad to discover links to external resources, to articles and videos that are relevant and may further your education on particular topics or people. Even all the Bible verses are linked to a great online resource,

By just touching a verse link, you’ll be able to read the verse or verses in context in any of dozens of Bible versions on BibleGateway, and you can access cross-references and commentaries. Reading this book on any mobile device will be fun and spiritually beneficial, but also because of all these links to additional relevant resources, including many on Youtube, this book is much more than it appears.

This is not the kind of book you will likely read once. It makes an excellent reference guide where you can also highlight text permanently or leave notes throughout the book for yourself. As with any ebook, you’ll also be able to share portions of this book with friends. I’m thankful technology can be used to help us grow in spiritual wisdom.

And I have more good news for you. This ebook will be kept up to date, meaning any corrections or editing will be done promptly, and additional chapters will be added, too. Once you purchase this ebook, you will be able to download the updated versions forever totally free.

I hope and pray this book will do one thing—encourage you to dig deeply into the Bible so that your passion for Christ will grow every day for the rest of your life. And I hope your passion will burn for his return.

May God be glorified.


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