
Manage Your Energy Not Your Time Audiobook

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When I realized that managing my energy instead of my time had revolutionized my life, and how dramatically it had improved my relationships, my income, and my happiness, I was amazed. I was living with a deep sense of contentment and satisfaction. It surprised me.

Managing my energy was not one of my strategies. I didn’t write my personal vision statement with a sentence like “I will manage my energy and not my time.” I had never even heard of the concept, and frankly I don’t know if anyone else has ever discovered it the way I did. But when you find hidden treasure that changes your life in so many positive ways, it would be incredibly selfish not to share it with others.

Of all people on the face of the earth, I never imagined that I would write a book one day that completely vitiates the need for complicated time management systems. I used those systems on and off for decades myself. I was part of a generation that was persuaded by professors with Ph.Ds that we all needed to manage our time like fanatics throughout the day and throughout the week, and that we needed extensive organizational systems to make it all work. Many years later I’m doing my best to forget all the time I wasted trying to manage my time and organize my life.

Who doesn’t want to have more money, experience richer relationships, and be happier? For centuries people have sought these things. They have searched high and low, and tried everything under the sun. When a new idea comes along, many are quick to buy in, because there’s always a chance a new system will help them finally live their dream.

The concept of managing your energy is not another mechanical system that is doomed to fail. It is a way of life, a way of living more productively with less stress and being far more effective every day without trying another complicated system.

By managing energy, I do not just mean physical energy. We also have energy at the mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual levels. This book will explain how each of these areas is either a powerful source of energy or how they can drain you of energy. I’ll show you how you can manage your energy to experience massive break throughs and substantially improve your life, including your relationships, your business, your income, and your happiness.


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