Author: Casper Sarginson

Honey Coupon Scam

Beware The Honey Coupon Extension Scam

Beware of the Honey Coupon Extension. Do NOT use a coupon extension or plugin for your web browser, because major scams have been discovered that are outright fraud. First, you can rest assured that at BooksOnline.Club we have the best security money can buy to protect you from coupon scams […]

BooksOnline Gift Card

Announcing the BooksOnline Gift Card

We are very pleased to announce a new feature: The BooksOnline Gift Card. Why is this such an exciting feature? The BooksOnline Gift Card offers several benefits for readers and authors. Here’s a sweet little bullet list of benefits you’ll want to take advantage of: You can now make a […]

BooksOnline Club

A Quick and Dirty BooksOnline Tour

You’ll find out quickly that BooksOnline, aka BooksOnline.Club or sometimes written as Books Online Club, is quite different that other online bookstores, and that difference starts with our “consumer-centric” focus. Everything about BooksOnline is built from the ground up with our consumers in mind. Who are our consumers? Our consumers […]

What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Instructions Step 1: The Big Picture

Affiliate marketing is a great way for anyone (over the age of 18) to share an affiliate link to a product, which is a digital book or an audio book if your an Affiliate with BooksOnline.Club. Why would someone help to promote a good book? One of the best reasons […]

Affiliate Terms

Affiliate Marketing Instructions Step 2: Conditions

Affiliate marketing has conditions or parameters you need to know and agree to if you want to be an Affiliate at BooksOnline.Club. They’re not complicated, and we don’t press any unreasonable limitations on you as you promote your Affiliate link. Here are the rules with short explanations. Affiliate Marketing Terms […]

Getting paid

Affiliate Marketing Instructions Step 3: How Do I Get Paid?

Affiliate marketing on BooksOnline.Club will necessitate you completing your banking information after you have been approved as an Affiliate. This article will explain how you do that, and we’ll actually walk you through all the options you’ll see when you log into your account. Affiliate Marketing Login Screens and Options […]

Custom Affiliate Link

Affiliate Marketing Instructions Step 4: How To Create A Custom Link

Affiliate marketing with BooksOnline.Club allows you to create a custom link out of your affiliate link. Why would you do that, and what does a custom link accomplish for you? We’ll explain all that here. Affiliate Marketing and Creating a Custom Referral Link As you saw in the previous affiliate […]

Affiliate Profile

Affiliate Marketing Instructions Step 5: The Ideal Affiliate Profile

Affiliate marketing is not for everyone, so what is the ideal profile of a successful affiliate marketer? We’ll answer this question here. There is no perfect affiliate profile. Anyone can succeed sharing their affiliate link and make good money. The primary characteristics have nothing to do with the person’s background, […]

Master Guide of Optimal Health and Longevity

The Master Guide to Optimal Health The Natural Way

The Master Guide to Optimal Health The Natural Way: The 6 Dimensions of Health and Longevity is an incredible compilation of the most recent discoveries and how they change everything about our health, including the prevention of diseases, the resolution of GI (gastrointestinal) issues, insulin resistance, fatty liver, high blood […]

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Here it is . . .

What's it like growing up off the grid in remote Alaska? I did, so I wrote a book about it. I grew up in a 900 sq.ft. cabin with no electricity, only a homemade barrel stove for heat, no running water, and an outhouse. There were 2 tiny bedrooms, one for mom and dad, and the other for me and my 2 sisters and brother. We had to hunt and fish to feed the family, and cut 10 cords of wood to get through the long winters. There were tragedies and miracles, and some hilarious true stories. Buy the eBook or the Audiobook.

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