Casper Sarginson  

Tired of Anti-American, Anti-God, Censorship and Gaslighting?

What makes BooksOnline.Club unique as a book distributor? Why would authors and readers be attracted to BooksOnline? The full answer would probably be a two-hour conversation and a lengthy article. But in an effort to get to the point quickly and concisely, I’ll offer this short summary.

BooksOnline.Club attracts readers, authors, and affiliates amid a toxic book industry and a transformative period in American history. Traditional publishing is declining, and while self-publishing and digital books offer benefits, corporate greed, and power struggles often overshadow the interests of authors and consumers. America is undergoing its most significant transition, surpassing the Civil War, Great Depression, Civil Rights Era, and post-9/11 shifts, with widespread changes across political, social, and technological spheres. This “perfect storm” has sparked a mass awakening, with people rejecting lies and seeking truth. BooksOnline.Club serves as a haven, appealing to a majority who value conservatism, truth, and discernment in nonfiction, especially as trust in government and corporations like Amazon—seen as prioritizing profit over consumer interests—erodes. This shift reflects a broader societal push against manipulative business models and a demand for authenticity.

The entire business model of BooksOnline was designed to prioritize the interests of authors and readers. That alone is a long story of years of planning, modeling, and experimenting until, at long last BooksOnline.Club in its current rendition, was born. It is unlikely that you, whether you’re an author or a passionate book reader, will comprehend how much this business model and our site and services truly favor you and work to help you achieve your goals like no other book distributor out there. Perhaps the best way for you to discover all the ways is simply to start using BooksOnline and let it grow on you. You might be surprised.

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Books Online Club

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What's it like growing up off the grid in remote Alaska? I did, so I wrote a book about it. I grew up in a 900 sq.ft. cabin with no electricity, only a homemade barrel stove for heat, no running water, and an outhouse. There were 2 tiny bedrooms, one for mom and dad, and the other for me and my 2 sisters and brother. We had to hunt and fish to feed the family, and cut 10 cords of wood to get through the long winters. There were tragedies and miracles, and some hilarious true stories. Buy the eBook or the Audiobook.

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