The End of All Things is At Hand
Casper Sarginson  

The End of All Things is At Hand Audiobook

This book is about the end. The end of the world. The end of all things. The rapture is very soon, and beyond the rapture will be the worst time the world has ever seen known as the seven year tribulation.

This audiobook is available on Amazon, but I’m excited to announce that you can purchase this audiobook from any of your favorite audiobook stores, including my favorite hangout–Spotify. Even better than any of those options, you can now purchase and start listening immediately from our own Audio Bookstore. Check it out at:

Audiobooks–The End of All Things is At Hand

Bible prophesies are being fulfilled in rapid succession in the last days, and while American churches seem oblivious to the obvious, genuine believers have been watching the prophesies unfold and are getting ready for the rapture. What are the signs of the rapture? How soon will it happen? What can we do to get ready? All these questions are answered, and more. Are you ready for the rapture? This book could be the inspiration that helps you get ready, and it could be the catalyst that helps someone you love learn about salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What have you got to lose by buying this book? Nothing, but you have everything to gain.

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If you sell your existing home now for top dollar, and you buy your ideal retirement home for top dollar in your perfect location, you’ll be in good shape. You bought high, but you sold high, so it could be considered a wash. If this plays out for you before the crash, you won’t need this book. But . . . If the market crash comes before you sell your existing home, you will live in a parallel Universe, and you could suffer devastating losses in a national and International crash of epic proportions not seen since 1929. This is precisely why I wrote this book—to alert you to what is happening below the radar of main street media, and far below the radar of what the politicians and the central banks want you to know. I want you to avoid losing your retirement dreams.

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