The Trump Trilogy: A 3-Book Trilogy Heralding The 47th President


The Trump Trilogy
Last Edited: 12-2-2024.

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The Trump Trilogy...


Get ready for the Trump Trilogy. The second term of Donald Trump will forever impact millions of lives in America and billions around the world. The world is about to experience a cataclysmic upheaval that will realign nations. Never before has a single election held the power to disrupt and shape the fate of billions across every nation on Earth. Never has there been such a black and white contrast between good and evil. Never has the demonic agenda of a political party captured and enslaved a nation for as long as the Democrat Party did in America. And never before have we seen such a nation dramatically saved from the clutches of darkness like this. The reality of his second term can be understood much deeper in this Trump Trilogy.

No one would claim that Donald Trump is Jesus Christ or that he is a better communicator than Presidents John F. Kennedy or Ronald Reagan. He is just a man. But great men throughout history whose legacy changed the world were also just men. It only takes an ordinary man to accomplish extraordinary things if God appoints that man at the right time and place.

This Trump Trilogy will prove why this election and this man have this unprecedented power to turn America around so dramatically. It will take three books to prove this, and that’s why this is a Trilogy.

The War for America’s Soul will articulate how we got to this place where Americans are no longer free but are enslaved to massive government power and a deep and dark network of institutions, corporations and media.

America in The Last Days will carefully demonstrate why we are so close to the precipice of total annihilation by evil.

And Spiritual War Trumps Everything will not avoid the spiritual realm and biblical prophesy as other books about America do, but details exactly what the Bible says about these times we live in and how America does or does not play a role.

We just crossed the tipping point, and there is no going back. Are you ready for what is to come? Do you understand the precarious nature of America’s future? Do you understand what this means for your future and your children’s future?

This election result is the equivalent of The Perfect Storm as multiple events and people and history come together like never before to create a devastating force against the darkness that has gripped our land. Unlike the movie in which George Clooney could not turn the boat around and get out of the darkness, will President Trump be able to turn America around?

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