Living Off The Grid in Alaska

(3 customer reviews)


Living Off The Grid in Alaska
Last Edited: 2-12-23

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Living Off The Gr...


Off the gridLiving Off The Grid is a true story about growing up and living off the grid in wild Alaska, far from the metropolitan areas of Anchorage and Fairbanks. The author’s amazing and entertaining story sounds like something out of the 1800’s. It’s about the struggles of hunting in the mountains to get enough meat to feed the entire family through the 9 month long winters that reached temperatures as low as -75° F. You’ll appreciate the humorous outhouse stories as well as the scary stories of what it’s like to get caught in the Yukon or Tanana Rivers and dragged downward by the heavy silt into a dark mirky icy cold grave.

Living Off The Grid is Harsh

Living off the gridThe harsh realities of the Alaskan wilderness are full of lessons that transcend time. Living off the grid in a remote cabin, hunting, fishing, and surviving off the land bring to life profound wisdom for living today. The author shares incredible stories of growing up without modern conveniences, and having to learn how to create an exciting life full of passion and breaking through mental boundaries that limit most people and stop them from achieving their dreams in life. This is a true real life story.

Living Off The Grid is as much a motivational and inspiring book as it is a true experience that will make you both laugh and cry. The author expressed how writing the book brought back a flood of good memories that were surprisingly therapeutic for him. The story takes place in remote Alaska in a 900 square foot cabin without electricity, without running water, without plumbing, and only a Coleman lantern for light and a homemade wood stove for heat. The story starts when the author was 9 years old right after the great Anchorage earthquake in 1964. And what a contrast living then was compared to living today in the State of Washington in modern society.

Living Off The Grid Stories

Off the grid in alaskaYou’ll laugh a lot in Living Off The Grid about the unique challenges that city dwellers never will experience, about unanticipated surprises, the special times that create lifetime memories, dating Eskimos, racing outhouses on the 4th of July, building a 5-story tree fort, and much more. Outhouse humor is funny when you’ve had to use an outhouse at fifty below.

The heart warming stories will touch your heart, and probably make you long for simpler times when life was safer, taxes lower, and freedom of speech still was a constitutional right. The author has said, “I wish I could go back and live like that again, but it’s not possible.” You can’t go back in time either, but you can enjoy the stories of what it was like living off the grid in Alaska long ago.

The author grew up and joined “society” so to speak, and graduated from college with a degree in economics and later earned a doctor of jurisprudence, practiced law in the USAF and in civilian practice, was an Area Director of Prison Fellowship Ministries for Chuck Colson, raised a family with two sons who became professional athletes, and lived in the dog-eat-dog metropolises of America. After law practice he built a successful virtual real estate brokerage, and he’s authored over 60 books, sharing what he has learned in this life to help others improve the quality of their lives.

This book is a good read, and if you want a stress reducer in these crazy times we are living in today, this book will take you to a peaceful place for sure.

3 reviews for Living Off The Grid in Alaska

  1. Casper Sarginson

  2. In PNW

    What an amazing gem of a book! When I first bought “Teachings of the Wilderness” I was expecting a modern day telling of life in the primitive wild of Alaska from an author my age who had grown up there. I got that and then some. When you read it you’d think you were reading about life in the 19th century but lo and behold you’re learning about life as people live it in the wild of today. It’s an incredible journey following the human spirit as it bonds and triumphs over nature’s harsh adversity. But beyond that, the book is a grounding, object lesson about life – the things that are truly important, the things that truly resonate and give life meaning, the things we’ve lost sight of, the things that matter. The gift of this book is that its teachings can be applied to our own lives as we try and navigate the pace and technology of a modern day life that disconnects us from nature and our real essence. Prepared to learn everything about yourself as you read this man’s incredible journey.

  3. Curt Seefeldt (Verified Purchaser-See Amazon Link Above)

    What a book!!! This book should be required reading in every grade school and then re-read every few years after that, even when one is an adult. I’m 78 years old and today’s world is fae different then when I was growing up. I will say this, today’s world is a lot poorer in many respects that it was when I was young. Speaking of respect, that is something I don’t see near enough being shown today. At any rate, there is a old saying; “less is more”. Take a look around you……does one really need all the latest new fangled electronics and other gafgets one sees? I don’t think so. Look at what is spent on clothing today……one has to have “the look” or one doesn;t fit “in”. Yeah right….In short to most folks in the U.S. today they are being stroked to buy this….but that…. bunch of grade “AAA” BS if you ask me. Compare today to what the author says about his upbringing and you will get one hell of an awakening. That awakening is sorely needed if we are to remain a people with both feet on the ground and a real sense of responsibility. It seems in today’s world manual labor is looked down on. Well, I have news for you if you are the onle looking down on getting your hands dirty……I have no use for people like that. Schools today do not teach, they indoctrinate. Independant thinking is frowned upon. Political correctness is stifling saying what one thinks….I am not one bit of a “PC” person. I’ll say what I think and I don’;t give a damm if it offends some or not. In short, this book is a welcome breath of fresh air in a closed world

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