New Book Coming: “How to Write a Book, How to Publish a Book, How to Market a Book”
We’re excited to announce a new book coming to BooksOnline.Club titled How to Write a Book, How to Publish a Book, How to Market a Book with the subtitle Build a Passive Income With The Power of Affiliate Marketing. It is 300 pages in the print version and packed full of practical step-by-step guidance for both the new and mid-level author. Even seasoned authors will appreciate the latest up-to-date technologies that are now available to authors, in addition to the most effective marketing strategies for authors today. The industry has been rapidly changing, so this is a timely book. Here’s how the introduction to the book starts:
I’m Chuck Marunde, your guide on the journey to writing, publishing, and marketing your book successfully. If you’ve ever searched for advice online, you know how scattered and contradictory the information can be. With millions of YouTube videos and blog posts from every self-proclaimed expert, it’s nearly impossible to find a clear, step-by-step path. That’s why I created this course—to cut through the noise and give you a structured, proven roadmap to turn your ideas into a published book and get it into the hands of eager readers.
There are far too many clickbait videos and unqualified people making things up. I can’t count the number of YouTubers who have published gross exaggerations, if not outright lies, with clickbait titles like:
- “I Made $100,000 in ONE MONTH Self-Publishing Books (And You Can Too!)”
- “Self-Publishing Made Me RICH! 💰 How I Make $10,000/Month with NO Experience!”
- “No Writing Required?! How I Made $50K/Month with Simple Self-Published Books!”
I’m sure you’ve seen these kinds of titles, too, and many of these YouTubers sound really credible and sincere, and some even show income statements. How hard would it be to create a fake income statement on the Internet? You’ve heard the phrase “fake it until you make it.” Well, the world is full of counterfeiters.
I’m like the FBI agent who specializes in counterfeit bills and who has worked 30 years chasing counterfeiters. When he holds a counterfeit bill, he knows it in a heartbeat. I’ve been writing for about 40 years and have over 80 books under various versions and several pen names. I can recognize a scammer on a YouTube video boasting about making $100,000 in his first month of self-publishing on Amazon, especially when he looks like he’s about 14 years old.
Forget the clickbait and empty promises—this course is built on real-world experience and hard-earned knowledge. I’ve been in the trenches, navigating the challenges of writing, publishing, and marketing books firsthand. Instead of scattered, surface-level advice, you’ll get a structured, step-by-step system that connects every crucial piece of the puzzle. Whether you’re dreaming of publishing your first book or aiming to refine your strategy, this course gives you the clarity, tools, and proven methods to turn your vision into reality.
Becoming a great author doesn’t happen overnight. You could spend the next 15 years studying every book, attending every seminar, making countless mistakes, and investing thousands of hours perfecting your craft. You could pour $100,000 into hardware, software, and marketing programs, only to struggle through trial and error. I know—because I’ve done it all. But you don’t have to. Instead of taking the long, expensive road, you can fast-track your success with this course—for a fraction of what it cost me to acquire this knowledge. How much is your dream worth to you? If you’re serious about writing, publishing, and marketing your book, this is your shortcut to making it happen.
You are embarking on an exciting adventure! I know because writing and publishing books has been the thrilling adventure of my life. As your instructor, I’ll carefully guide you through a labyrinthine world of overwhelming information on writing, publishing, and marketing books.
Imagine what it will be like when you write and publish your first book with a gorgeous cover, a title that captures your readers’ attention, and rich content that motivates readers to give you five stars and raving reviews.
One verified reviewer gave me an incredible review I’ll never forget. If you knew that my goal in all my writing is to help other people improve the quality of their lives, then you would understand why this review humbled me so much. He wrote, “Next to the Bible, this may be the most important book you ever read.” I still don’t know what to say in response to that phenomenal review. It overwhelms me, and I’m very grateful for that reader’s encouragement, but he overvalues my book.
Imagine how fulfilled you’ll feel when you see your book on Amazon. It’s an incredible feeling of accomplishment, and don’t think your family and friends won’t be impressed. They undoubtedly will, even if they don’t say much.
Maybe this isn’t your first rodeo, and you have already published several books, but you aren’t getting the sales volume you hoped. 90% of self-published books sell less than 100 copies their entire lifetime. Many authors only get a few book sales a month and feel tremendous disappointment after all that work, thinking they’ve done everything possible. The natural human tendency is to blame Amazon, or you might blame consumers for not recognizing the value of your book.
The truth is there’s so much we can do to make the sales happen. I’ll show you how to reinvigorate your book covers, narrative descriptions, and presentation, boost the title’s magnetic pull on viewers, and market your book more effectively by an order of magnitude.
I’ve made every mistake you’re likely to make. I spent thousands of wasted advertising dollars. I’ve spent years going down paths you don’t need to go down. I’m like the guide who goes ahead of you in your long journey to search out and discover traps for the unwary and save you from potential disasters, a little like Samwise facing the ominous lair of Shelob in J.R.R. Tolkein’s Return of the King. Samwise gets Frodo through that part of their journey and saves his life.
I don’t reckon I’ll be doing anything as dramatic as saving your life. The big reason for this course is to guide you through the maze of information and traps for the unwary so you can finally achieve success writing and publishing and effectively marketing your books without wasting thousands of dollars and spending the next 15 years learning from the school of hard knocks and bitter disappointments.
There is so much to learn on this journey of becoming an author, a journey that has taken me most of my adult life. At the beginning of my adventure, I had no idea how big the learning curve would actually be, nor did I comprehend the dragons I would have to slay in my mind to experience the thrill of victory and the rewards of success. I started on my journey a little like Bilbo leaving the Shire to commence his epic adventure, not sure what he would face or whether he would succeed or fail. But you aren’t starting your journey like me, all alone and unsure of the terrain ahead and without a good map to guide you. I’ll give you the map, and I’ll be your guide to warn you of dangers and keep you on the safe path. I intend to save you years of wandering in the wilderness and tens of thousands of dollars of experimenting.
Here’s a little tip most authors don’t learn:
The first 10 pages of your book are the most important. This is where you turn your readers on to your subject and writing style or turn them off. This is a “buy-or-don’t-buy” decision for readers. This includes the preface, introduction, acknowledgments, and first chapter, so the critical number of pages could be less or more than 10 pages, but you’ve got to get this part of your book right or no one buys it. All best sellers have the most amazing and persuasive beginnings. Your book needs this advantage, too.
Is your passion to write about a lifelong obsession with nutrition? Are you an athlete who wants to be a full-time trainer of professional athletes? Writing a book could be the way you break down the gate and get inside the castle. Do you want to share what you’ve learned over a 30-year career as a forensic accountant, or have you spent a lifetime in real estate brokerage and know things that could revolutionize a broker’s business? Or maybe you’re an astrophysicist, and you have some theories you want to articulate to your colleagues and the world.
Let’s come back down to Earth for a moment. Maybe you have a creative imagination, and your gift is writing fiction that entertains your readers. Or maybe what drives you is a passion to set the record straight on some massive wrong in our world, and you want to share the truth that sets people free.
What tools should you use to write your book? How do you narrow down all the software options to the one that is affordable? Most importantly, which tools allow you to articulate your thoughts without hindering your creativity?
Once you’ve written your book, I’ll take you through the process of how to edit your book effectively. I’ll show you how to produce the final copy and generate multiple editions, including a Kindle edition, an Apple edition, a paperback, or a hardcover edition, and if you want, you can also create a Kobe edition, a Nook edition, and a Google edition. I’ll show you exactly how to make your eBooks readable on more eReaders and apps without DRM restrictions and without hindering your readers’ freedom to enjoy your books.
I haven’t forgotten audiobooks. I’ll guide you through all the steps to getting your book narrated, published, and marketed. We’ll look at narrating your book yourself and what you would need for hardware, editing software, and a sound studio. We’ll also look at the option of hiring a professional narrator as well as using virtual narrators with artificial intelligence—other voices and the option of training AI to imitate your own voice to narrate your entire book.
There are many options when it comes to hosting your eBooks with distributors like Amazon. And when it comes to publishing and distributing audiobooks, that’s another labyrinthian maze where many authors get lost in the mines of Moria in Middle-Earth.
In other words, getting a quality audio recording of your book is no small task, especially when the specifications are very strict, and you must have a decent recording studio with a great microphone and good audio editing software. Then you have to decide where to distribute your audiobooks and whether they will be exclusive for Audible or shared with an aggregator like Findaway Voices and other audiobook distributors like Spotify.
You’ll have to decide whether to publish your book and distribute it as an exclusive, or you can choose non-exclusive distribution rights and take a smaller percentage of the retail sales. I’ll take you through your options and save you a lot of trial and error.
I’ll also show you how to distribute your book on private book sites online and how a book club can massively increase your book sales with an affiliate program. Wouldn’t it be nice to have hundreds of people all over the Internet promoting your book while they earn a 30% affiliate fee for every sale and help you increase your sales?
Talking about money, I’ll help you understand where the real money is made and
where the volume is, and the two are not necessarily the same.
The best opportunity for the successful sales of your books today will almost certainly mean you write your books in a niche. A very specific, narrow market is also the place where people can find you. It’s also more practical to use niche SEO (search engine optimization) for the title, subtitle, and the seven key search phrases you can include in KDP.
Marketing is another key area I’ll cover in this course, and there are so many options, some of which are so ridiculously expensive, it’s like a big black hole where you can keep throwing in money and effort and never see anything come back.
I’ll cover some powerful strategies I’ve learned and use today. One is creating video reviews of my books, one book at a time. It’s important to optimize those videos for the search engines and for YouTube, and we’ll cover that. I’ll share how to produce high-quality videos with professional video, lighting, and audio equipment, the software for editing videos, and how to integrate your videos with everything else you’re doing to promote your books.
Another goal is to give my books the greatest possible exposure while maximizing my net profit from book sales, and one way I do that is by creating my own online book store. When it comes to marketing and making the most money from book sales, this little secret, which I haven’t seen any other author implement on such a large scale as I have, is a game changer. When you learn what this is and how to do it, it will be like finding buried treasure. I kid you not. I’m very excited about the control I have over my book sales in my own book store. I’ll tell you how you can get your books into an online bookstore without the massive tech and security issues involved in creating that kind of infrastructure yourself. That’s an entirely separate learning curve you don’t want to have to master.
I can’t end this introduction without telling you another really exciting way I’m promoting my books, which is impossible with Amazon or any other distributor. As far as I know, I’m the only author integrating this marketing tactic into my business model to sell my books.
What if you could bring on a sales staff of dozens or hundreds of people who would market your books to viewers of large Youtube channels and bloggers and all their followers? You might ask, “Who could afford to hire that kind of sales staff?” Well, no one, but what if I told you there was a way to motivate them to sell your books anyway?
The Ultimate Affiliate Program To Explode Your Sales
I created an Affiliate program that will financially motivate hundreds of independent people who will share a link to my online books, because my Affiliate program will pay them 30% for every sale. That fee is automatically deposited into their account, and all they have to do is share their Affiliate link, and they can promote that link anywhere. This is the sales secret that is likely to break the bank—your bank. You’ll love it.
This won’t be the last time you hear me say this, but writing a book ought to be about sharing your passion, not just about making big bucks. Helping or entertaining your readers is a worthy goal, and transforming lives by sharing wisdom and motivating your readers is the ultimate rush, but the goal is to also make good money at the same time.
Stay tuned, and when we hit the publish button for How to Write a Book, How to Publish a Book, How to Market a Book and how to Build a Passive Income With The Power of Affiliate Marketing, we’ll come back and add a link to this article.