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One of our loyal readers asked a question recently, “Can I get alerts when you publish new books or add new books to the Books Online inventory?” The answer is yes, and here’s a great way to plug into updates and new books. Apart from bookmarking BooksOnline.Club and reviewing the latest articles and browsing your favorite book category, you can sign up for the Books Online Newsletter.
Our newsletter is a periodic distribution, which means it doesn’t get sent out every week or every month on a regular calendar schedule. The last thing we want to do is annoy people with another email or another SMS message. I don’t think anyone would argue if I said we all get too much spam now, so we don’t need more.
When we do have significant news, major changes or additional services, or exciting new books that have been added as eBooks or audiobooks, we send out a newsletter to those who have subscribed and asked to be included in our digital mailing. Our newsletters are sent by email only and we have the ability to send you an alert by SMS message, too.
We were greatly encouraged when we received this message from one of our loyal readers:
“Will I be alerted on Follow Me on the release dates of your new books? I purchased all of Casper Sarginson’s Flat Earth Books, the Health Book, The Trump Trilogy, Empowering Your Mind Against Deception, and two books on the Pre-Trib Rapture. I like your Biblical writing skills and wisdom of Solomon, especially in the Flat Earth series, The Rapture books, books against deceptions from Satan and The Master Health book.”
There are several ways to reach out to us, including our “Contact Us” submission form which you can find in our main menu. You can also ask a question by using our chat option on the lower right corner of our website. Our newsletter is one of the best and favored ways to keep in touch.
We have three primary groups of people who use our site and have slightly different interests, which you can define yourself in the drop-down option when you use our Subscribe to the Books Online Newsletter.
The first group are passionate readers, some of whom have niche interests, like patriotism, Christian living, self-improvement, or conspiracy theories. Some of them like to know if a new book has been published in their area of interest. The second group are authors who publish their eBook or audiobook at BooksOnline.Club, and they like to be kept up-to-date on what we are doing that helps promote their books to more readers. We are way out in front of the traditional publishing and marketing world. The third group are affiliate members who have joined to help share good books and at the same time build a passive income for themselves with our generous 30% affiliate payout. Like the other groups, they love to hear how we are constantly improving the affiliate program and the marketing tools we give them at no cost.
Whatever group you are in, you’re welcome to subscribe to our Books Online Newsletter. Just don’t expect regularly. Maybe our newsletter motto should be “No spam–just real news!”