Publish Your Book

For Authors Only: How to Get Your Book Published on BooksOnline

This article is intended for authors who fit either of these parameters:

  1. You have a book published and being distributed online now, or
  2. You are finishing a book and getting ready to publish and distribute it.

BooksOnline.Club offers authors a very unique and far more profitable opportunity than many other distributors.

How To Get Your Book Published Answers A Passion

For good writers, writing is not just a hobby or a way to make money. No person in their right mind would spend so much time and effort with so little success for so long, and so little money, unless he or she had a passion driving them to write a book and share that passion with others. Writing is perhaps the profession with the largest percentage of failure. Few succeed, especially if you define success on the number of copies sold. Many great books have been written and published but never marketed in such a way to ever get noticed by consumers. Far too many amazing books sit on a shelf gathering dust or in a box in a basement.

There’s a story about a person who attends a piano concerto, and afterwards has the great pleasure of meeting the pianist, a world renowned concert pianist. Excitedly the person expresses their delight with the amazing performance, and then adds, “I would give my life to be able to play like that!,” to which the pianist replied, “I did.”

AudiobooksIf you have knowledge, experience, and wisdom that is at the core of your calling or purpose in life, and you have a deep need that calls out to you, “I must share this with others,” than the writer inside you needs to break out if you are to achieve your destiny and experience the deep sense of fulfillment successful authors experience.

For the first half of my life I pondered the question and researched “how to get your book published.” It has taken me a lifetime, but I have become a successful author, and my books are having a big impact on people’s lives, and that brings me a deep sense of fulfillment. That’s what defines success for me–reaching a lot of people and by virtue of their own testimonies, having a big impact on what they believe and how the live. Of course, I am making money, but money was never the driving force for me. Now I have an opportunity with my publishing company, Sakal Publishing, and my bookstore and distribution and marketing company, BooksOnline.Club, to help other writers like you reach as many people as possible. This is very exciting for me, because I not only get to help you achieve your destiny, I get to participate in the big impact your books will have in the lives of many of your readers.

If you already have a book published, you can have your book listed on our site, provided your book is not currently being distributed as an exclusive elsewhere. Authors can offer their books on Amazon and still offer it here, as long as it’s not exclusive on Amazon. Your book would also have to be reviewed by our book review staff, because we have very high standards for content and quality and writing. Many people have self-published books they’ve written, but they are poorly organized and poorly written. Your book must pass our content and quality standards. We publish non-fiction books.

How To Get Your Book Published Right

how to get your book publishedThe reason we have high standards for the books in our inventory is not only because of our values and commitment to a little thing called “truth,” but because we want BooksOnline.Club to be a good experience for readers in every way. We want our bookstore to build credibility with readers so when they browse our bookstore, they can feel confident a book is precisely as described, and that it is readable and well organized. While we also have books that some would claim are written by conspiracy theorists, isn’t it fascinating how many so-called “conspiracy theories” are turning out to be true. Our authors do their research, are committed whole heartedly to what is factually true, and our review staff will not approve books that promote pseudoscience or false religions or the hidden agendas of the ruling elite. Because of the recent massive deceptions and fraud, especially in government, there is an awakening happening and a growing audience for honest purveyors of the truth.

Because this is an online bookstore, we sell digital versions of books in an ePub format, and we also sell audiobooks that are hosted on our own servers and distributed with our audio app. We do not sell print versions of books, which require print on demand services. All our paperback and hardcover books are distributed through Amazon.

Dead End: What about traditional publishing houses? This is a dead end, and you don’t want to even waste your time going down that path, and here is why.

  1. A traditional publishing house will not talk to individual authors. They will only communicate and deal with approved professionally recognized book agents. So first, you have to hire an agent, which is to say you have to get an agent to agree to represent you. Unless you’re famous, or have other books that have big success stories, an agent will not even bother returning your phone calls, and there’s only a slightly greater chance someone from their office will even respond to your email, and if they do, it will be, “We’re not accepting new clients.”
  2. There are publishing companies that will publish your book for you without an agent, but you have to front all the costs of printing, marketing, and distribution, which usually will be in the tens of thousands of dollars, and in the end, you are unlikely to make a single dollar in profit while the publishing company made their thousands of dollars in profits from you. These companies are mostly a ripoff for aspiring authors.
  3. Even if you did get a professional agent to accept you as a client, between their take and the publishing house’s take, you may only get $1.00 from every book sale. Compare that to royalties of 30% to 70% in self-publishing.

What about non-traditional publishing companies? There are many now, but many authors are experiencing frustration with little companies or even mid-sized companies in this sector who over-promise and under-deliver. Few meet expectations. Our bookstore is great, but our Affiliate program is the killer marketing machine no one else has, at least not with a 30% affiliate fee. Can you imagine how many books you could sell if a popular YouTuber with millions of viewers and subscribers interviews you and promotes your book using their Affiliate link so they can earn 30% of all sales? YouTubers will go bonkers over our Affiliate program. A 30% affiliate fee motivates them to promote the heck out of your book, and those videos are watched for weeks and months and even years, as you know. Our system creates a perpetual marketing system for your book in which many others, the YouTuber who promotes it, and all the consumers who go to BooksOnline.Club and see they too can become affiliates and promote your book. Are you beginning to comprehend the advantage of BooksOnline.Club’s Affiliate advantage.

What do we charge for these services, and what is your royalty?

How to get your book publishedIf you host a book you’ve written on BooksOnline.Club, you’ll earn 60% of the retail price if your book is purchased through your registered affiliate link. That’s more than what you’ll earn with Amazon for most books, depending on the book format (eBook, paperback, audiobook), licensing, length of the book and the genre. Amazon pays only 35% for eBooks priced below $2.99 and above $9.99.

If you’re re-publishing a book that is beyond its copyright protection, in other words a book that now belongs to the public domain, no matter what the length or content, Amazon only pays you 35% no matter the price. Not so at BooksOnline.Club. You get paid the same 60% (30% base royalty plus 30% affiliate fee) for all eBooks, including public domain books, and audiobooks.

Amazon does have an affiliate program, but you have to qualify to be approved as an “Amazon Associate,” and they only pay a minuscule fee, like 5% on digital books, compared to our 30% affiliate fee. You can learn more about how powerful our Affiliate program is by going to the drop down menu titled “Affiliates”.

TO BE CLEAR ABOUT YOUR EARNINGS POTENTIAL AS AN AUTHOR, let me state it this way: As an author you will earn 30%, and if you register as an affiliate, you’ll earn an additional 30% for all sales through your affiliate link. If other affiliates are selling your book, you still earn 30% as the author, but the 30% affiliate fee goes to the registered affiliate whose link was used to purchase your book. 

HERE’S THE KICKER: The real value proposition that BooksOnline.Club brings to authors is the powerful affiliate marketing system that can motivate dozens or hundreds or even thousands of people to promote your book with their own affiliate link. And, as the old TV infomercials used to say, “Wait, because it gets better!” Once you have an affiliate link of your own, any book sold on our site earns you 30% as long as the buyer used your affiliate link to enter our website. In other words, you only need one affiliate link to earn 30% on all eBooks and audiobooks at BooksOnline.Club. This is huge!

Learn specifics with examples about how you’ll get paid for your book sales: Comparing Author Royalties for BooksOnline vs Amazon



Books Online Club

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Here it is . . .

What's it like growing up off the grid in remote Alaska? I did, so I wrote a book about it. I grew up in a 900 sq.ft. cabin with no electricity, only a homemade barrel stove for heat, no running water, and an outhouse. There were 2 tiny bedrooms, one for mom and dad, and the other for me and my 2 sisters and brother. We had to hunt and fish to feed the family, and cut 10 cords of wood to get through the long winters. There were tragedies and miracles, and some hilarious true stories. Buy the eBook or the Audiobook.

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