Category: Videos

How to install ebooks

How to Download and Install Kindle Books

Amazon has recently made installing an eBook on your Kindle device or Android/Apple device with the free Kindle app much easier, so in a few sentences I’ll show you exactly how to get your Kindle book into your Kindle reader or Kindle app. Ready? Step #1: If you’re purchasing the […]

Books Online Club

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Here it is . . .

If you sell your existing home now for top dollar, and you buy your ideal retirement home for top dollar in your perfect location, you’ll be in good shape. You bought high, but you sold high, so it could be considered a wash. If this plays out for you before the crash, you won’t need this book. But . . . If the market crash comes before you sell your existing home, you will live in a parallel Universe, and you could suffer devastating losses in a national and International crash of epic proportions not seen since 1929. This is precisely why I wrote this book—to alert you to what is happening below the radar of main street media, and far below the radar of what the politicians and the central banks want you to know. I want you to avoid losing your retirement dreams.

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