Category: Flat Earth Books Review

Flat Earth Books Online

Flat Earth Books Online Video

Flat earth books have become quite the rage lately as people around the world are waking up to the mass deception we have lived in since we were born. Something is happening, and it’s no small thing. In the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Australia, Spain, India, and even in […]

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Here it is . . .

What's it like growing up off the grid in remote Alaska? I did, so I wrote a book about it. I grew up in a 900 sq.ft. cabin with no electricity, only a homemade barrel stove for heat, no running water, and an outhouse. There were 2 tiny bedrooms, one for mom and dad, and the other for me and my 2 sisters and brother. We had to hunt and fish to feed the family, and cut 10 cords of wood to get through the long winters. There were tragedies and miracles, and some hilarious true stories. Buy the eBook or the Audiobook.

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