Beware The Honey Coupon Extension Scam
Beware of the Honey Coupon Extension. Do NOT use a coupon extension or plugin for your web browser, because major scams have been discovered that are outright fraud. First, you can rest assured that at BooksOnline.Club we have the best security money can buy to protect you from coupon scams and price discount scams, and we have the best of security when it comes to payment systems and affiliate programs. But if you install a coupon extension, a browser extension that purportedly goes out on the Internet to look for the best coupons or discounts, you are outside the security and protection BooksOnline.Club gives you at no charge.
You never have to search for Internet discounts or coupons on the Internet for any books at BooksOnline.Club, because we never post coupons with discounts on the Internet. We have our own coupon system in-house, and coupon codes for any discounts offered are given to purchasers only through our secure in-house system, and the coupons are never published on the Internet on any other server than our highly secure and private server. This means you never will find a better price for any of our books outside of BooksOnline.Club.
This all came to light recently when it was discovered that a coupon extension called “Honey” has been stealing money and personal information from people who installed the extension on their browser. It’s a technical explanation, and you can learn more in this excellent video that explains the scam, but here’s the answer for you:
Do NOT install the Honey extension or any extension to your browser that claims to search for the best prices and the best coupons on products sold on the Internet. If you have installed such an extension, delete it immediately.
To learn how the Honey extension scam works, you might want to watch this detailed video explanation.