Flat Earth Audiobooks
Audiobooks Instructions
Casper Sarginson  

Audiobooks Now in Our Bookstore

BooksOnline.Club has our own Audio Bookstore. You purchase an Audiobook and stream them or download them to your device. You also get one of the all-time best free audiobook apps to listen to your books on your smartphone or Android or Apple device. If you’ve used Audible to listen to books, you’ll fee right at home with our app MySoundWise.

Why are audiobooks exciting and what does it mean for you?

BooksOnline AudiobooksThe Dirty Little Secret: The audiobook publishing and distribution industry is not designed for authors, and it is not a system that is optimally designed to be in the best interest of consumers either. Amazon (through ACX) and Findaway Voices (a marketplace for Spotify, and many other distributors) take as much as 75% of an author’s audiobook retail price! That only leaves 25% for an author. Who did all the research to write the book, write and edit it, and then narrate it? Not Amazon, but they keep 75%? The industry is very greedy and abusive. But it’s worse than that. They also don’t let authors price their books themselves (while some distributors claim they do), and you’ll see the same audiobook at different prices all over the Internet. It’s chaos out there. Absolute chaos!

When authors can’t control their own audiobook price, and when prices are whatever distributors want them to be, consumers are not well served. There are also limitations to the audiobook apps they give you, and you don’t get automatic updates with some of their apps, nor do you have the option of getting a free audiobook or a discounted audiobook from the author. Amazon set’s all kinds of strict conditions hindering authors. It’s a nightmare for authors.

We have solved ALL of these problems, and now our Audio Bookstore is the best possible option for both authors and for consumers.

What are the author benefits of our Audio Bookstore?

Our Audio Bookstore gives authors total control over their books, including the price, and in our marketing and distribution of their books, there will remain one price–the price they control. Authors also have the ability to offer discounts (coupons) for any period of time they want, whether that’s an introductory price for a day or one week or one month.

What are the listener benefits of your audiobook app?

With our audiobook app authors can give listeners free samples. They can give listeners promotional copies. They can give away a free copy of their audiobook to one of their YouTube subscribers or anyone else. They can even give away a specific chapter in an audiobook if they want to. When they update one of their audiobooks, all their past purchasers will automatically get the update on this app. How incredible is that?

No other audio bookstore gives authors all these options.

As a listener, we think you’ll agree that our app is the best, too. It gives you instant access to all the audiobooks you purchase in our Bookstore, and after you purchase them, they will automatically show up in your smartphone app (or on your computer in the browser), and check this out . . . when we do an update to an audiobook, you will automatically get the updated version in your app without having to do anything.

As a listener, you get a lot of options on this app that help you keep your audiobooks organized and updated. You have all the options you would expect: playback speed, fast forward and fast back, timed play, and more. When you stop and come back later, your audiobook starts where you left off. And you can download a chapter or an entire book to your smartphone for offline listening! Not all audiobook apps give listeners all these options.

As a listener, you get a lot of options on this app that help you keep your audiobooks organized and updated. You have all the options you would expect: playback speed, fast forward and fast back, timed play, and more. When you stop and come back later, your audiobook starts where you left off. And you can download a chapter or an entire book to your smartphone for offline listening! Not all audiobook apps give listeners all these options.

How do you purchase, download and listen to audiobooks?

Purchasing your audiobook is the same process as purchasing an eBook at BooksOnline.Club. You’ll add it to your shopping cart and check out. Then you’ll be given instructions in an email sent to you, and you’ll also be able to see your Audiobook order and download button in your BooksOnline account when you login.

Listen on Your Computer: If you want to listen to your audiobook on your computer, you’ll go to MySoundwise.com and register using the same email you used when you purchased your audiobook. When you login into your account on your computer using a browser, all your purchased books will automatically show up, and you can listen to them.

Listen on Your Smartphone or Mobile Device:

Audiobooks Player

In the email your receive after purchasing your audiobook, you’ll be instructed to go to the app store (for Apple or Windows or Android), and download the “MySoundwise” app. Once you have that app installed, register with the same email address you used to purchase your audiobook, and when you login, your purchased books will automatically show up. Voila!

Bonus: Our Audiobooks are included in our Affiliate Program. If you chose to become an Affiliate, you will earn 30% of the retail sales price on every sale through your Affiliate link, which you can promote on your YouTube channel or on social media or to your email list. Your 30% is deposited directly to your bank account, and you don’t need to do anything beyond provide the Affiliate link to your audience. If you want to, you can promote your Affiliate link with your own promotional video as some are doing. After that, it’s all automated. What a great way to help fund your YouTube channel and create another revenue stream!

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Looking for a Great Book to Read? Here it is . . .

What's it like growing up off the grid in remote Alaska? I did, so I wrote a book about it. I grew up in a 900 sq.ft. cabin with no electricity, only a homemade barrel stove for heat, no running water, and an outhouse. There were 2 tiny bedrooms, one for mom and dad, and the other for me and my 2 sisters and brother. We had to hunt and fish to feed the family, and cut 10 cords of wood to get through the long winters. There were tragedies and miracles, and some hilarious true stories. Buy the eBook or the Audiobook.

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