Affiliate Marketing Instructions Step 2: Conditions
Affiliate marketing has conditions or parameters you need to know and agree to if you want to be an Affiliate at BooksOnline.Club. They’re not complicated, and we don’t press any unreasonable limitations on you as you promote your Affiliate link. Here are the rules with short explanations.
Affiliate Marketing Terms of Use
By becoming an Affiliate you agree to our Terms of Use. You can read it at this link, and you’ll also find the Terms of Use under the “Affiliates” drop down menu at the top right of any page on BooksOnline.Club.
Affiliate Marketing: Always Be Honest and Never Misrepresent a Book
This may be obvious, but it is a deal breaker if you misrepresent a book or if you exaggerate to the point that you’ve gone beyond good sales practices and into what most of us consider “click bait” or dishonesty. In the law, to induce someone to make a purchase based on misrepresentation is called fraud in the inducement. When we use the phrase “deal breaker,” that means we can suspend or revoke your affiliate privileges. We insist that all our Affiliates promote their links with honesty.
Affiliate Marketing: You Must Be At Least 18 Years Old
In most states, you must be at least 18 years old to enter into a contract, and that is one of our requirements, too. By applying to become an Affiliate you are stating that you’re are at least 18, and that you have the legal authority to enter into an agreement like this. Of course, someone who is under 18 can still help a parent or friend who is 18 or older and is an Affiliate to promote their affiliate link on the Internet.
Affiliate Marketing: You Must Have The Capacity to Automatically Receive Your Affiliate Payments
You’ll have the option to choose the method of receiving your Affiliate payments, which includes direct bank deposit, Paypal, and other electronic payment services. These services are third-party services for BooksOnline.Club, and we pay about a 4% processing fee for these services like any vendor does when they accept credit cards. This 4% processing fee does not come out of your fee. We pay the fee from our side.
Please remember that the Affiliate fee on paperbacks ordered directly on BooksOnline.Club is not 30% of the gross sales price, because there is a 3rd party printing cost for paperbacks and hardcovers, so the affiliate fee is still 30%, but it is based on the net sales price to BooksOnline.Club (the Sales Price minus the printing cost equals the net sales price).
And we will repeat this: If someone purchases any book directly from Amazon, there is no affiliate fee paid by BooksOnline.Club. Amazon has their own affiliate fee system, known with the title “Amazon Associates.” One of the great features of our Affiliate marketing system is that you get paid automatically and because online payments systems take some time, payouts are not immediate but are made at least once a month, and maybe more often. And you can log into your Affiliate account any time to view all sales and how much you’ve earned. These are more reasons that Affiliate Marketing is such an incredible way to sell products and earn a passive income. The more you promote your Affiliate link, the more money you can earn.
Affiliate Marketing: You Should Understand What Is Not Included For Affiliates
Expectations are everything, right? The reason most good things end is because one or both parties had expectations that were not met. It’s important that your expectations of being an Affiliate at BooksOnline.Club be realistic and within the parameters of what is offered as well as what you are capable of doing to promote your link. There are two parts to these expectations.
First, as an Affiliate you are signing up to earn a 30% fee on the sale of books on BooksOnline.Club through your affiliate link only. There are now two formats of books that can be purchased on BooksOnline.Club. The first format is a digital book, which can be read on a Kindle device, or an Apple device, or an Android device. The second format is an audiobook also hosted on BooksOnline.Club, which can be read with our free Soundwise mobile app. We do not host paperback or hardcover books on BooksOnline.Club, but we do provide links to books that are available at Amazon in paperback, hardcover, or exclusive audiobook editions. BooksOnline.Club does not pay an affiliate fee for any books purchased from Amazon even if linked from BooksOnline.Club.
Your Affiliate Fee is Based on the Net Sales Price to BooksOnline.Club
The 30% Affiliate fee you’ll be paid is based on the net sales price of an eBook or an audiobook hosted on BooksOnline.Club. The net sales price will usually be equal to the gross sales price of an eBook or an audiobook, but if a coupon or discount is offered for a book, then the net sales price is the gross sales price minus the coupon value or discount. In other words, the actual price of the book sale to the consumer, which is the net sales price to BooksOnline.Club. Should BooksOnline.Club have any other coupons or discounts or associated deductions from the gross price, then the Affiliate fee will be based on the net price to BooksOnline.Club.
When we use the phrase “hosted on BooksOnline.Club” we mean books in our inventory that are hosted on our server, which includes eBooks and audiobooks hosted in our inventory. Some audiobooks are not hosted in our inventory, and you may see a link on some books to an audiobook edition hosted at Amazon. No affiliate fee is paid for books hosted with Amazon. Again, any paperback books purchased on Amazon are not included in our Affiliate program.
I know this is a repetitious paragraph, but we don’t want you to miss this. We do not and cannot pay an affiliate fee to you for anyone who purchases a print edition or an audiobook directly from Amazon. Amazon does have its own affiliate system, but it pales in comparison to ours. To become an Affiliate on Amazon, you have to qualify based on some very restrictive conditions, including having an established and active site on the Internet, and while they do not specifically state a minimum number of viewers or subscribers, that number appears to be 5,000 to 15,000. Most people will not qualify to become an Amazon Affiliate, or what they now call an Amazon Associate. In addition, there are many complaints about Amazon holding up payments for long periods of time, even months. But the real killer if you are comparing our Affiliate program to Amazon’s, is that Amazon only pays out a small fee, like 4% compared to our 30%.
Do not forget that you do not earn an affiliate fee if someone uses your affiliate link to go to BooksOnline.Club and decides not to buy a book directly from BooksOnline.Club, but instead buys the book directly from Amazon. BooksOnline.Club earns no fee when they do that either.
Affiliate Marketing: We Do Not Create Your Marketing System For You
How you promote your affiliate link is totally up to you, and we do not do that for you. You can promote it on Youtube, your podcast, a blog, on forums, on any social media, or you can send it out to your email list, and you can even spend money on traditional advertising, although we do not recommend spending money to promote your link. Realize that if you do spend money, and you do not get sales from that promotion, we do not reimburse you. We created the online bookstore, an incredible Affiliate program, and it is your responsibility to promote and advertise your affiliate link for your own business.
We do have some great persuasive articles and book review articles, which you can use to promote your link. You can copy and paste from our articles, or you can provide a link directly to an article. We will also be creating videos to promote certain books and to promote our affiliate program, and whatever videos we produce will be free for you to link to or embed, but videos to promote or market your affiliate link are not included as part of what we offer. They will be an extra or added bonus for you, if and when we create such videos.
Affiliate Marketing: Customer Service Is Not 24/7
We are not expecting massive numbers of people to register as affiliates simultaneously. Over time we are expecting hundreds, and perhaps thousands, but the need for customer service is not likely to be so high we can’t manage it. As you can see, we have very specific instructions in several articles, and we guide you through the sequence of articles, including what we call “Instructions” so all the questions affiliate applicants and approved affiliates think of are already answered. At least that’s our goal. New questions that have not been addressed will be added to an appropriate article or instructions.
In addition to preparing in advance for affiliate participation by reading our instructions, you also have the option of contacting us through our “Contact Us” page.