The dark power of the deep state within America has been growing for as long as this country has existed. From the beginning, evil began formulating how it would do what it had already accomplished in countries worldwide.
In 1949, the year George Orwell published his prophetic book 1984, the global political landscape was dominated by communist regimes in Eastern Europe, the USSR, and China, and authoritarian or fascist regimes were established in places like Spain, Portugal, and parts of Latin America and the Middle East. Colonial authoritarian systems existed across much of Africa and Asia.
Considering how the deep state and radical left-wing politicians in both parties have taken America down a long labyrinthian path to hell so rapidly since 1949, it seems only appropriate to revisit how George Orwell unmasked the deep state 76 years ago.
Notice the extraordinary similarity with the state of America today:
The main themes of George Orwell’s 1984 revolve around totalitarianism, surveillance, and the erosion of individuality and truth. His novel portrays a dystopian world where the Party, led by the figurehead Big Brother, exerts absolute control over every aspect of life.
Through relentless propaganda, thought policing, and historical revisionism, the Party eliminates freedom and independent thought. Themes of oppression and indoctrination highlight the dangers of unchecked power, while the protagonist’s struggle reveals the human desire for truth, love, and individuality amidst repression. Ultimately, the book warns about the fragility of personal freedom in the face of oppressive political systems.
That could have been said yesterday on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Actually, it has been said in various ways by many guests on that podcast and many independent channels.
As patriotic American citizens, we should have recognized the danger signs along the way, but we did not. Certainly, we bear some responsibility for standing by and doing nothing for so long while evil politicians implemented their strategy to shred the U.S. Constitution and control and dominate us while at the same time getting filthy rich themselves by stealing our tax dollars and printing money ad infinitum.
But there was another set of powerful forces at work that we did not anticipate or recognize. These are the forces George Orwell wrote about, and while his book was considered a foolish conspiracy theory in its day, today 1984 reads like a book of prophecy.
If ever there was a time for those who have been relentlessly attacked as stupid conspiracy theorists to shout back, “We were right, and all our so-called conspiracies have turned out to be true,” such a time is now.
These evil forces that were thought conspiratorial in Orwell’s 1984 are alive and well in America today and are encapsulated in phrases like “mass deception,” “propaganda,” “fake news,” “mass formation psychosis,” “gaslighting,” and “cognitive dissonance.”
Just as 1949 marks the year in which Orwell’s extraordinary book 1984 unmasked the deep state like no other author ever had, accurately predicting 76 years of deep state tyranny, 2025 marks the year in which an extraordinary awakening happened as though most Americans suddenly swallowed a red pill.
America was on the precipice of total and complete annihilation, the fulfillment of the ruling elite’s decades of impassioned perseverance that infiltrated every Federal agency and nearly every institution in America, shredded the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, turned truth upside down, re-wrote history through their massive propaganda campaigns, launched a linguistic war against the people, controlled the media, owned the financial institutions and the banking system, poisoned the citizens from the laboratories of Big Pharma, and boldly funded their evil schemes around the world with tax payer funds through subversive government agencies.
National security agencies, including the FBI and the CIA, were given new missions to spy on the citizens and entrap good people, indict them, and imprison them on false charges. Government used its power to blackmail the largest corporations in the world to force them to do the bidding of the deep state.
The entire military-industrial complex, funded by trillions of taxpayer dollars, became an instrument of the state. The total political, economic, and military control acquired by the deep state was so thoroughly embedded that it seemed there was little hope of saving the America we all loved so much.
And then, as if by some miracle beyond anything voters and good citizens were capable of, and even beyond the expectations and hope of the prayers of the faithful, a most unusual event and a most unusual person crossed time and space to save America from falling off the precipice.
As though the Titanic had been turned at the last instant to avoid the iceberg, America has been snatched out of the grip of evil at the last possible moment. This is why 2025 is an extraordinary year that will be remembered forever as the tipping point of a political system that went rogue. It is the year the iron grip of prophetic evil of the most powerful nation on Earth was broken. Surely, this is only possible by the power and authority and divine wisdom of an Almighty God.
I am honored to bring you the original text of 1984 with an introductory summary at the beginning of each chapter, followed by a short “Current Events Commentary” that connects the dots from 1984 to 2025.
It is both a surprise and a delight to see how the MAGA movement is unmasking the deep state, shredding their sacred institutions, cutting their purse strings, and terminating their vast network of the ruling elite around the world.
In Orwell’s original manuscript, he did not give each chapter a title. I have given each chapter a title as a reference point, which is simply the theme Orwell himself assigned to each chapter.
In this book, we’ll revisit Orwell’s prophetic insights and examine the extraordinary measures that are unmasking the deep state right now under the 47th President of the United States.
While this is a “deep” subject, this book is designed to allow you to read the summaries and the commentaries without reading the entire original text of 1984. Of course, the entire text is included, and it is quite entertaining if you have the time to read it all.
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